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Does caffeine have an effect on your sex life?

July 30, 2021

Drinking just two cups of coffee a day could dramatically improve your sex life, a university study has


Drinking just two cups of coffee a day could dramatically improve your sex life, a university study has concluded.

A study by the University of Texas has found that men who drank two cups a day were 42 per cent less likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction compared to men who didn’t.

Regular consumption of coffee boosts the production of testosterone levels in men, which boosts the libido and regulates sexual performance and satisfaction. It has been found that men who drink coffee regularly in moderation have an optimum level of testosterone than men who do not consume it.

Researchers found that guys over the age of 20 who consumed the caffeine equivalent of 2 to 3 cups of coffee a day were less likely to report ED issues than men who steered clear of the stimulant.

Caffeine has properties similar to ED drugs like Viagra, says study coauthor Run Wang, M.D. The stimulant triggers a series of effects that cause the arteries in your penis to relax and your blood flow to increase—both keys to a strong erection.

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